Monday, October 17, 2011

October ... between

I know I mentioned in an earlier post that for the month of October I have joined NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). A daily blogging challenge, with a prompt or a word to get the creative juices flowing. This month’s prompt:
Autumn is between the two temperature extremes of summer and winter. It's a time when nature is shifting . Coming and goings, first and last: between is never the extreme, but a blend of two worlds.

The question: "So what are you between this month?"

Between: NaBloPoMo October 2011

I'm certainly between things these days ... we are between grief and healing ... I am pulled in different directions by the very different needs between our 5 kids ... I am trying to figure out the balance between commitments outside the home and keep up with work inside my home. I'm stuck between looking forward to upcoming holidays and wanting to skip them all together because we expected to have a new baby by the time holidays came around. Here we are on the verge of holidays and no baby. sadness, loneliness, grief instead. If you could hear me ... you would hear one big sigh. Many times I feel pulled in several different directions and not quite certain where to go. Which thing do I tackle first? Which can wait?

Since I can't think of much else to write about today I will post a few pictures I took on our drive BETWEEN our house and Red Wing this weekend:

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