Thursday, November 24, 2011

a calm and quiet thanksgiving

In goes the bird:

Let the StarTribune Turkey Coloring Page begin!

And yes, I knew enough to go buy two papers,
so we would have two turkeys to color
(yes, we know ... most indoor pictures seen of Z are of him without a shirt. Its just the way it is with him, he gets itchy from his Masto, so its just more comfortable for him to be without)

Daddy and Rosebud "researching" the adds
in the paper and online ... because her schooling is getting to a
point that she needs her own laptop

Guess we should pay attention to
the other parts of our meal soon:

Allen and O and Z on smashed potato duty:

The smashed potatoes getting a little more smashing because one little girl felt very offended at being left out of the precess and cried that she never got a turn to smash potatoes (she never got a nap today and it is really starting to show)

Turkey almost done!

Everything on the table ... and me with my Coke!

Kids opening their favorite fuzzy grape juice


The reason our Princess was not in the last picture ...
she fell asleep waiting for the turkey to finish

And I am pretty sure this song sums up my thanksgiving thoughts:

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